“In 1897 an international dimension was added to the conflict [tussen de Spaanse Staat en de Catalanisten die in hun congres te Manresa in 1892 voorstellen hadden opgesteld voor de Catalaanse autonomie] when the Unió Catalanista sent to the Greek king, George I, a message of sympathy for the Cretans in their struggle against Turkish rule. But Madrid could not tolerante any hint of autonomous foreign policy initiatives from Catalonia and its response was brutal: a wave of repression struck the region, with closure of newspapers, proscription of meetings, house searches, closing down of clubs and societies, and the arrest of leaders […]. The occupation of Catalonia was not lifted till 1901, when free elections were allowed and for the first time the Catalanists topped the poll […]. In a typical pattern, repressive measures only reinforced the popularity of the persecuted leaders.” (Daniele Conversi, The Basques, the Catalans and Spain. Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilisation, Hurst & Company: London 1997, 21).
Soms lijkt geschiedenis zich inderdaad te herhalen, met in gedachten de actuele pogingen van Puigdemont om vanuit Brussel de Europese politiek te bewegen tot betrokkenheid in de Catalaanse Kwestie.