De hypocriete inconsistentie wordt mede ingegeven door misarabisme / moslimhaat.
Terecht is dan ook het volgende commentaar geciteerd door TRTWorld : “Palestine-based journalist Muhammad Shehada said every war crime that Blinken mentioned in his statement is mirrored by Israel in besieged Gaza with brazen complicity of America and its leadership. «Literally every single one of the crimes you cites to conclude a genocide is happening in Sudan are all being committed by Israel in Gaza; the very genocide YOU have been proudly funding, arming & covering up,» Shehada said.” (https://www.trtworld.com/…/activists-cite-us-role-in…).
Blinken heeft zich op die gelegenheid op 19 december 2024 ook al nadrukkelijk uitgesproken tegen de straffeloosheid: “As I said a year ago when determining that both the SAF and the RSF had committed war crimes – and that the RSF had committed crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, specifically designating the atrocities against the Masalit described by the sultan as ethnic cleansing – the United States will use every tool, including further determinations and sanctions, to prevent abuses and hold perpetrators accountable. We encourage other partners to implement similar sanctions – bilaterally, multilaterally – on individuals, on organizations whose actions worsen the conflict.” (ibidem). Merk op dat daarin ook een oproep ligt besloten tot BDS.
Het is inderdaad een omgekeerde reflectie, een perfect spiegelbeeld, van de houding van de VS tegenover de genocide in Palestina.