Quote van de dag: «The supposed “split” between Israel and its steadfast allies in the West is an exercise in cynical, self-serving posturing. It is a mirage designed to suggest that Western capitals are concerned about the destiny of people they have never been that concerned about. The truth is just as Western presidents and prime ministers have been content to permit Israel to vent, unrestrained, its “killing rage” and bomb Gaza into dust and memory, they will allow Netanyahu to do the same to Lebanon in due and deliberate course. Lebanese civilians are as forgettable and disposable as Palestinian civilians. Their lives, their hopes, their dreams don’t matter. All that matters is Israel’s “right to defend itself”.»
Andrew Mitrovica, “The peace appeals of Israel’s Western enablers are a cynical charade”, Al Jazeera Op-ed, 28 september 2024 (https://www.aljazeera.com/…/the-peace-appeals-of…).
Voor de cynische opvatting van bepaalde groepen slachtoffers als “forgettable and disposable”, vergelijk de analyse van het door Westerse politici en media gehanteerde onderscheid tussen “Worthy and Unworthy Victims” in Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky, “Manufacturing Consent. The Political Economy of Mass Media”, Pantheon Books: New York [1988] 2002, xxix-xxiv, 37-86.