Ze stonden erbij en ze keken ernaar

Onder het motto «ze stonden erbij en ze keken ernaar», vraag ik het nog eens: is er sinds 1994 wel enige vooruitgang geboekt?
Volgens het rapport van het Organization of African Unity Panel over de Genocide in Rwanda (april -juli 1994), getiteld “The Preventable Genocide”, had de genocide voorkomen kunnen worden door de Fransen, de Belgen, de kerken en door de VS.
” It could have been stopped before and during the genocide by the government of the United States, had they been willing to permit a major intervention, a major U.N. intervention force in Rwanda, as the head of the then-U.N. force was desperately pleading for, and all his pleas fell on deaf ears. […] They spent the entire period of the genocide pretending that it wasn’t happening and preventing the United Nations from making a major intervention.” (US Ambassador at large for War Crimes to the UN Stephen Lewis, lid van het Organization of African Unity Panel, in gesprek met Amy Goodman van Democracy Now op 11 juli 2000, “The Rwanda Genocide: How Does Madeleine Albright Live with Herself?” (https://www.democracynow.org/…/the_rwanda_genocide_how…).
Het rapport van de Organisation de l’Unité Africaine, “Rapport sur le génocide au Rwanda”, mei 2000, 74-75:
“10.12. Loin d’encourager l’envoi de troupes en nombre suffisant, les meurtres des Bérets Bleus belges et le retrait par la Belgique de son contingent eurent l’effet contraire. Deux semaines exactement après le début du génocide — à la suite de pressions soutenues pour un retrait total sous l’instigation de la Belgique et de la Grande-Bretagne, des déclarations de l’ambassadrice des États-Unis auprès des Nations Unies, Madeleine Albright, en faveur d’une force minimale, et du refus insistant des États-Unis d’admettre publiquement qu’on était en présence d’un génocide de grande ampleur selon la définition de la Convention — le Conseil de sécurité prit la décision surprenante de réduire la force déjà insuffisante de la MINUAR à un effectif dérisoire de 270 hommes” (http://cec.rwanda2.free.fr/doc/Rapport_OUA/OUA-Rwanda.pdf)
Fragment van een interview, naderhand, met James Woods [Niet de gelijknamige acteur, die overigens onlangs ronduit genocidale uitspraken heeft gedaan ter verdediging van het Zionisme], de Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs at the Department of Defense from 1986-1994, met de vraag waarom de VS zo onverschillig en inactief is gebleven ook al waren ze voldoende geïnformeerd door de VN:
“Well, I think everybody knew what was going on but … it’s possible to know without officially knowing. I know I’ve seen all of these reports and my staff tells me what’s going on, but I haven’t really digested all of this and I can only give it five minutes every other Tuesday. So I think at the higher levels, they chose not to be well-informed and they chose not to think too much about it and hoped too it would all go away.” (https://www.pbs.org/…/shows/evil/interviews/woods.html)
Facebook stukje van een dag tevoren:

En? Is er echt vooruitgang geboekt sinds 1994?

“THE INTERVENTION DILEMMA 1.1. “Humanitarian intervention” has been controversial both when it happens, and when it has failed to happen. Rwanda in 1994 laid bare the full horror of inaction. The United Nations (UN) Secretariat and some permanent members of the Security Council knew that officials connected to the then government were planning genocide; UN forces were present, though not in sufficient number at the outset; and credible strategies were available to prevent, or at least greatly mitigate, the slaughter which followed. But the Security Council refused to take the necessary action. That was a failure of international will – of civic courage – at the highest level. Its consequence was not merely a humanitarian catastrophe for Rwanda: the genocide destabilized the entire Great Lakes region and continues to do so. In the aftermath, many African peoples concluded that, for all the rhetoric about the universality of human rights, some human lives end up mattering a great deal less to the international community than others.”
Gareth Evans & Mohamed Sahnoun, eds., “The Responsibility To Protect. Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty”, Published by the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada (http://www.idrc.ca), December 2001, p.1 (https://idl-bnc-idrc.dspacedirect.org/…/7321d40…/content)